Slow down. Create space. Listen in.

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During what I call the “flailing” months after my layoff, I did what I always do when I need to figure out my life; I read.  In Susannah Conway’s book this i know, she chronicles her painful yet revelatory journey through bereavement for the love of her life and how rediscovering her creativity helped her regain her bearings.  Toward the end of the book, she writes:  Slow down.  Create space.  Listen in.


Discovering and practicing these three directives has changed my life – both personally and professionally.  I needed to slow down, create space, listen in.  And so I did, gradually.  Early on, the slowing down and listening in were incredibly challenging.  Because my own true voice had been buried for so long – all of my own doing – it took about two months before I could even recognize that voice again, let alone hear it.  Amidst the stress and uncertainty of job upheaval and the decision to work for myself, it’s a miracle any messages got through, but eventually they did.  During that time I learned once and for all that expressing myself creatively – whether through writing, photos, or my very own brand of abstract art – is who I am and what I’m meant to share for the greater good.


Months later, I still smile when I see these words on my white board.  They are my beacons in purple ink, three short instructions that always lead me home.